Coping With Depression While Navigating the College Experience
I have attached my proposal for this topic as a go-by when creating the final research paper. I’ve included instructions below.
Final Project Topic Selection
When selecting a topic for your course final project, consider the field of school counseling, clinical mental health counseling, or clinical rehabilitation counseling. For example:
• Clinical Mental Health Counseling: A suitable topic could be “coping strategies for college students with anxiety” or “impact of cognitive-behavioral therapy on depression in young adults.”
Topic Selection Assignment Guidelines
- Group and Population Descriiption:
o Begin by clearly stating the type of group you choose and which population it serves. Describe your target population (age, grade, females, males, etc.).
Topic Statement and Rationale:
o Provide a clear statement explaining the rationale for choosing college students aged 15 – 25 and how they cope with depression for your population. This should be based on data. Explain in detail how this population was targeted. Was the population chosen based on academic data, attendance data, behavior data, career college readiness data, testing data, needs assessment, etc.?
o Further explain how this type of group will foster positive outcomes based on data (based on what you found in the literature). - Theoretical Approach:
o Identify the theoretical approach and your rationale for selecting this theory for your population and group. In other words, what does the research propose? Provide evidence from the literature supporting your rationale. Citations must be used. - Citations and References:
o Cite and reference these materials appropriately. A minimum of four sources is required for this portion of the project. - Submission:
o Submit your assignment to your instructor in the assignment area. Your instructor will provide feedback and approve your selected topic.
Assignment Requirements
• Written Communication: Writing must be scholarly, professional, free of errors, and consistent with expectations for members of the counseling profession.
• APA Formatting: Your paper should be formatted according to APA (6th edition) style and formatting.
• Length: 2–3 pages, not including title page and reference list.
• References: Include a minimum of at least four current (within the last 10 years) resources. Create your reference list for this paper based on the resources you actually use in the body of the paper.
• Font and Font Size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
• Title Page: Include
o Title of Paper
o Your Name
o Your University
o Course Name
o Instructor’s Name
o Date