Systematic Literature Review Part 1
Title: The Toll Intergenerational Trauma and its Grip on Poverty
Your focus in this part of your paper is on providing the background to your social issue or practice problem and clearly articulating your research question. Refer back to chapters two and three from Cherry et al. (2024) text for support as you write these sections.
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Title Page
This is your rationale, grounded in research, for your systematic literature review.
Remember that your topic for your SLR should be connected to the overarching topic of your capstone.
Consider, what are the broad background issues/problems/puzzles in your problem area?
Be specific (i.e., subpopulations, practice contexts, etc.).
Consider how you connect this to your concentration (i.e., leadership & administration, clinical social work, military behavioral health, or social work education).
Research Question
Articulate a clear research question on your topic – considering using one of the frameworks from the interactive Overview of the SLR to help you frame your research question.
What research question do you want to answer through the SLR? Think about how this is connected to your concentration area
Remember that a review question is not a hypothesis, it is a question related to your topic. “A systematic review question can be descriiptive (presenting a concept), normative (exploring preferences about what should happen), observational or relational (investigating a relationship between two or more variables), causal (investigating the effects of one or more independent variables on one or more outcome variables) or theoretical (exploring factors that cause a condition, event or process) (Cherry et al, 2024, p. 50).