need to design a questionnaire about 12 questions (including Likert scale, brand performance question, brand imagery question, brand judgment question, brand resonance question). see in sample questionnaire
Report details
- 5 pages maximum (there will be a penalty for exceeding page limit)
- Font – 12pt, Times New Roman, single space
- Use of figures/diagrams/graphs is encouraged
- References, appendices not included in page limit
1.Historical overview and background
- Parent company background
- Existing brands
- History of chosen brand
– Any changes in positioning/target market? – Competitors
– Exisiting brand extensions (if any) - 2. Brand inventory
- Brand elements
- Brand associations
Positioning strategy (POP/POD)
Target market
Existing campaigns
3.Consumer perceptions
• Conduct quantitative research to identify:
– Brand awareness/usage – Brand performance
– Brand imagery
– Brand judgments/attitudes – Brand resonance
Important: Min. sample size of 10 consumers
4. Findings
- Is there a gap between desired positioning and the positioning based on consumer perceptions? Why?
- Which are the main drivers of brand equity (which of dimenions positively or negatively affect brand equity)?
5. Recommendations
What can be done to rectify the problem/s?
Play consultant and be creative
– Possible extensions?
– Trimming the brand portfolio?
– Change pricing? Packaging? website/? – Promotion campaign?
Understand what consumers think of the brand
Can be broken up under the following: following 5parts should be mentioned see the sample (Rolex)
– Historical overview and background
– Brand inventory
– Consumer perceptions
– Main findings
– Recommendations