Complete the Succession Planning Report for Henrietta Higgins– . This is the report that will be reviewed by President and CEO, Maximillian Barney.
The report should address all of the following elements, with each section supported by course materials.
A description of your group’s succession planning process (from both last week and this week)
For the position identify:
- why the candidate should be recommended for the position appose to the other candidates (supported by course materials).
- A brief discussion about any candidate not chosen for the position , with justification for this decision supported by course materials.
- If any of the positions cannot be filled by the current candidate pool, describe why an external search is recommended.
- If any of the positions cannot be filled by the current candidate pool, briefly describe the qualities that you feel the Biotech recruiting team should look for in the external candidate for this position.
below is a few details about Higgins and her type of leader. also please read attached documents.
. When asked how her staff perceived her, she laughed and said they called her a “Type A.”.
When asked what characteristics she thought a leader needed to possess to ..succeed in the 21st century she replied, “…objective, practical, controlled and fair.”
Higgins said her leadership style was transactional but the interview was not sure if it was not more authoritarian.
When asked what leadership theory she thought was most likely to work in the 21st century her reply was “Great Man, because it emphasizes the characteristics of a person like honesty and trust.”
Higgins’s knowledge of the business was sound but when asked if anyone could be a leader she said no. It was up to the position that a person holds. Higgins did understand that sustainability was very important to the business.
She said she had some ideas on how to make the process aspects of Biotech better and more efficient while saving cost.
She also thought that being eco-friendly was important but realized that was the other meaning of the word sustainability in business.