a. Background information about the topic- This should be info regarding OSHA and the history of OSHA. OSHA’s recordable incident rate and how it is calculated. b. Need for the study and/or statement of the problem-OSHA’s incident rate is not a true reflection on workplace injuries do to the process of calculating a company’s injury rate. c. Null and alternate hypotheses-Null Hypothesis is that company’s with no onsite clinical services have equal to or better RIR as companies that have onsite clinical services. Alternate hypothesis is that companies with onsite medical services have better RIR that companies that do not have on site clinical services. d. Primary goal statement-To show how OSHA’s RIR is not accurate and can be influenced by business decisions that are abstract to safety. e. Objectives- 1. Show the importance OSHA’s incident rate is not a true reflection on workplace injuries of accurate data collection for injuries 2. Why its important to have accurate data collection for injuries and the value involved 3. How companies are manipulating the data to reflect positive numbers to meet goals/cost f. Limitations-Access to financial records regarding Workers Comp cost compared to the importance OSHA’s incident rate. Additional limitations to data collection and access do to company/individual privacy laws (HIPPA) g. Delimitations-Time to conduct the research and the companies available to include in the study have been adequate so no limitations. h. Assumptions-Honest answers to the results of the research and accurate records supporting the assumption. i. Definitions- Definition page of all key terms used in the research.