Commentary 2 is to discuss “Crows and Sparrows” only, no other films
Make sure you have a clear argument or statement: find a focus to organize your writing
A general plot or characterization summary earns little credit
Analyze film in detail (e.g., mise-en-scene, smiles or other facial expressions, camera angles)
Rephrase key words for better connection between the reading and your film analysis (e.g., metaphor, allegory, realism)
“For our first commentary, are we supposed to include reading from week 1 or week 2? (And is it the same formula for the future commentaries?)” Always use the readings assigned in the same week as primary films; the same formula for commentaries 2-3
You only need to quote from 1 reading in the week, NOT 1 from each reading in the week
Your quote must be relevant to the rest of your discussion
Avoid a long quote or 2 or more quotes in a commentary
Similarly, avoid discussing 2 or more ideas because there is no space to do that adequately
Proofread your paper or grade yourself to improve before submitting
No need for a separate Works Cited page, but use in-text reference (e.g., Harris, page #)
Cite the chapter author (e.g., Harris), not the volume editor (e.g., Berry)
Turnitin requirement
Must and only have one quote from the essay that I give to you