Complete the following items for this assignment:
1. Read through the Case 13.1 Tree Trimming Project Case (attached). Respond to Questions 1 and 2 of the case. Use Microsoft Excel to complete this item and include all calculations in your Excel file. Note that showing all calculations in Excel is required.
2. Complete Appendix Exercise 2 (attached).
Specifically, complete the table on pp. 509-510 (attached) note that SPI and CPI can be determined after the table is completed. Assume that cumulative EV, PV, CV, SV, SPI and CPI values are needed. Also, complete the table at the top of p. 511. At the end of Period 5, what is the status of this project (be specific)?
3. Discuss a strategy that you would use to communicate the status of the project to stakeholders.
Use Microsoft Excel to complete this item and include all calculations in your Excel file. Note that showing all calculations in Excel is required.
Ensure that items 1 and 2 above are in the same Excel file but on different Sheets within the file.
Chapter 13 Textbook attached for reference
While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines.